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Driving Directions & Online Map

Dri­ving to Our Woodbridge/Vaughan Peri­odon­tics Office

Get­ting to our peri­odon­tal office in Vaughan is sim­ple.  We’re located at 7777 Weston Road, Units 214, 213, Vaughan, Ontario L4L 0G9.

If you are plan­ning to visit our Wood­bridge peri­odon­tal office for the first time, the map on this page will assist you in find­ing our loca­tion. Sim­ply fill out the form below, and you will be pre­sented with direc­tions that include a map, total travel time, and dis­tance.  There is always ample free park­ing at our den­tal office.

Reach Us By Pub­lic Transit

Our peri­odon­tal prac­tice in Vaughan is also acces­si­ble via pub­lic tran­sit. Visit for bus routes and sched­ules, or call our office for infor­ma­tion or directions.

Contact Us

Please use this form to send us a mes­sage. We’ll get back to you as soon as pos­si­ble.